Get Mobile

  • At VSTE we keep you connected when you’re out and about. As you arrive at VSTE make sure to bookmark so you can view the schedule of sessions on the go. The website automatically will format for the device you’re viewing, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, whatever.

    Save Your Schedule

    Viewing the schedule on the go is great, but what if you want to save a set of sessions to keep track of? No worries, you can do that in the online program as well. At the top of the program you’ll see the option to view “Favorited” sessions. When you first access this screen you’ll need to authenticate with your Google account so we know who you are. After that your favorite sessions will be synced and shown to you on

    Subscribe and Get Updates

    Want to stay up-to-date with all the latest changes? You can subscribe to email updates from the online schedule in the top-righthand area of the screen. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you. You’ll only receive updates for the items we “push” out to everyone who has subscribed. You can also receive push notifications directly to your iOS device by downloading the School App Kit app from the App Store and subscribing to the VSTE 2012 feed.
