About VSTE
Virginia Society for Technology in Education
VSTE is the premier professional development and advocacy organization for educators in Virginia. The Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE) was founded in 1986 as the Virginia Educational Computing Association and is Virginia’s affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). In addition, VSTE is the Virginia state chapter for CoSN.
VSTE’s Mission
VSTE’s mission is to promote excellence in education through professional development endeavors supporting the integration of existing and emerging technologies.
Our vision is to be an influence in technological innovation in education and be recognized as an agent of change across the Commonwealth.
Board of Directors
The Society is managed by a Board of Directors representing the various endeavors and constituents of the Society. Membership in the Society is complimentary for all interested persons, and members benefit from our advocacy efforts, free professional development opportunities, and and premier access to VSTE’s activities and information.
Our Committment
VSTE is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment in all of our endeavors for all members, participants, volunteers, partners, staff, contractors, and Board members. VSTE recognizes that its success requires certain commitments to principles of non-discrimination from all of our business partners and event participants.
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